
Grades Taught



Heritage Hills Elementary is the newest K-6 school in Sherwood Park. We are pleased to offer regular programming and French Immersion.


500 Students


Garry Russell


Trina Boymook


Assistant Principal - Kyla Harding

Registrar - Maureen Wert

Business Manager - Amanda Trach


Mission: We create inclusive environments, inspiring individuals to achieve growth.


Values: Collaboration, Accountability, Respect, Kindness, Integrity, Well-Being

Programs and Services

English and French Immersion dual-track programming

School Notification to Parents

Section 58.1 of the Education Act now outlines a parent's ability to have their child excluded, without academic penalty, from instruction, exercises, and the use of instructional materials that deal primarily and explicitly with religion or human sexuality.

This legislation requires that school boards notify parents when students will be receiving instruction that includes subject matter that deals primarily and explicitly with religion or human sexuality, allowing the opportunity for a parent to have their child opt-out. In such cases when a child is exempted from programming under Section 58.1, the child may either:

a) leave the classroom or place where the instruction is taking place or where the instructional material being used for the duration of that part of the instruction; or

b) remain in the classroom or place where the instruction is taking place without taking part in the instruction or use of instructional material.

EIPS expects this legislation should not affect the high-quality of classroom instruction and discussion that are the hallmarks of our education system, nor should it compromise our curriculum or teaching practices.