First Nations, Métis and Inuit Resources

Land and People Acknowledgement

We acknowledge with respect the history and culture of the peoples with whom Treaty 6 was signed and the land upon which Elk Island Public Schools reside. We also acknowledge the traditional homeland of the Métis Nation.

We recognize our responsibility as Treaty members and honour the heritage and gifts of the First Peoples.

We commit to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of collaboration and reconciliation.

tawâw, miyoonakishkatoohk, welcome!

Elk Island Public Schools have created a wonderful new blog to share information and resources related to First Nations, Métis and Inuit education throughout EIPS. They will highlight what's happening in our Division schools, provide resources available for students and families, and share upcoming school and community events.  

EIPS Blog Link

School Activities 2024-25

HHE is proud to honour those people who have walked on these lands before us, strives to support our First Nations, Métis and Inuit families and regularly infuses Indigenous stories, histories and perspectives in our classrooms.

A few highlights of resources and activities:

  • Our school library has an incredible amount of Indigenous literature woven into the collection. Teachers often read these to students and students are welcome to sign out and enjoy these books.  
  • We receive a cultural edu-kit from the district every few weeks that we put on display. Teacher occassionally use parts of the kit in the instruction. For example, the transportation kit had great connections for our younger students as we talked about communities.
  • We have an outdoor classroom and classes our welcome to use the space at any time. 
  • We participate in special days and host special events: 
    • Orange Shirt Day
    • National Indigenous Veterans Day
    • Roc Your Mocs Day
    • National Ribbon Skirt Day
    • Indigenous Guest Speakers - we recently had a special Mi'kmaq guest in to talk to our Grade 2s.
    • more to come later in the year!